These sections include important information and are considered our electronic TLRS Handbook. Please read the information thoroughly and contact us with any questions. To enroll, you will be required to sign a form stating you have read and understand these rules and policies and that you promise to abide by them.
Please remember, not knowing a rule or regulation does not mean that you do not have to abide by the TLRS Handbook. Study your Handbook thoroughly! This Handbook is subject to change without any written acknowledgement.
Our mission at TLRS is to engage the five senses in all aspects of life with love, encouragement and fun. Learning begins immediately from birth and continues throughout life. Not all children learn by the same methods therefore, activities that stimulate all their senses ensure that each child will move forward in strong character, social, emotional, spiritual and academic development. At TLRS, we will take the everyday events in life and make them teachable moments, which aids in creating well rounded children. We feel children need structured freedom to explore their own God given gifts for learning. Each day at TLRS will be a new day to grow and prosper in all areas of life within a Christian atmosphere.
The administrator and at least 50% of the staff at TLRS will have first aid and Infant/Child CPR training. Our goal is 100% CPR trained.
All staff has had verification of references, background and criminal record check.
Director/Owner is personally responsible for all employee hiring/hiring policies.
Licensing & Accreditation
We are licensed by Bright from the Start GA Department of Early Care and Learning.
Ages of Children Served
We serve children from 6 weeks old through Pre-Kindergarten.
Please do not block the front of the building, unless it is an emergency.
Checking In & Out
Check In and Check Out are mandated by the State of Georgia.
Please "Check In" and "Check Out" on our forms located in the front lobby.
At 6:00 pm, if you have not picked-up your child or notified TLRS, emergency contacts will be notified. If you are late picking up your child, a charge of $5.00 per minute will be added to your invoice. Chronic late pickup will not be tolerated and are grounds for dismissal. TLRS reserves the right to dismiss students for three documented cases of late pick-ups. Please, adjust your schedule so that you can pick your child up by our closing time.
Any child not picked up by 7:00 pm will be released to the local Police Department.
No child will be released to any unauthorized person(s). The person picking up will be required to show some form of picture I.D. or by you sending a picture and name to the school phone for comparison.
When your child is picked up or dropped off at the school, parents will not allow their child to enter or leave the school without being escorted. Please do not allow siblings to drop off or take from classrooms. TLRS assumes no responsibility for your child's safety while they are being escorted into their room or once you have taken them out of their classroom. You are welcome to stay and visit TLRS as long as you like, but once you have taken your child out of their classroom, please do not allow them to run throughout the school or enter other classrooms. Always alert the teacher that you are taking your child.
If the lights are off in a classroom, children are sleeping or attempting to sleep. If you must enter the room, please do so as quietly and quickly as possible. Both children and teachers will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
You are responsible for keeping the school advised of significant and current changes in the information on file for your child.
Car & Booster Seats
You may leave car seats in the front lobby, space permitting. Please make sure your seat is easily identifiable with a label to prevent any accidental swaps.
Because certain symptoms could be symptoms of infectious or communicable diseases, children will not be allowed to attend if they have had any of the following within 24 hours of check-in; including but not limited to: Fever of 101 degrees or more; Vomiting; Diarrhea; Unexplainable Rash; Pinkeye, or discharge from the eye(s); Lice; Sore Throat.
If you know your child is sick, please do not medicate and bring your child to TLRS. It is not fair to the other students, staff and your child. If we all do what is right, even if it is inconvenient, we will be able to keep sickness to a minimum at TLRS.
In the event that your child shows any of the above symptoms while they are at TLRS, you will be contacted and asked to pick up your child, or to arrange for authorized transportation for your child, within one (1) hour of being called. Children are made comfortable until picked up.
One hour is enforced to minimize the risk to other children.
TLRS will notify parents if we believe that your child has been exposed to a reportable infectious or communicable disease. During the month a notice of all reported illnesses at the center are posted in the front lobby.
We prefer not to dispense medication. Please make every effort to give medication at home. In order for TLRS to dispense medication, parents are required to fill out and meet all requirements on the Medication Authorization Form, and have it approved by the Director. This form can be found on our “Forms” page.
Leave the medication with your child's teacher labeled with your child's name.
Medication will be stored in a locked container or in the refrigerator as required.
All prescription medication must be in its original container prescribed to child's name.
Anything given orally constitutes a medication and therefore must meet these guidelines (including teething tablets and gels and gas drops).
TLRS records the date, times, dosages, as well as any adverse reactions that may occur when medication is dispensed.
Emergency First Aid will be administered as necessary.
Our mission at TLRS is to engage the five senses in all aspects of life with love, encouragement and fun. Learning begins immediately from birth and continues throughout life. Not all children learn by the same method therefore, activities that stimulate all of their senses ensure that each child will move forward in strong character, social, emotional, spiritual and academic development. At TLRS, we will take the everyday events in life and make them teachable moments, which aids in creating well rounded children. We feel children need structured freedom to explore their own God given gifts for learning. Each day at TLRS will be a new day to grow and prosper in all areas of life within a Christian atmosphere, remembering that they are young children.
Our curriculum at TLRS was developed by the Owner/Director and experienced teachers and includes ideas gathered from Abeka and Bob Jones University Press, as well as hands on experience from teaching public Kindergarten, Preschool and Homeschooling. Refer to the preschool schedule for breakdown of the daily activities.
Every day at TLRS is filled with activities that focus on engaging the child's five senses with excellence. Creativity and learning is centered towards the development of the whole child in a Christian atmosphere of loving discipline, laughter and movement. Each month, TLRS will strongly encourage each family to participate in the calendar events for each classroom. TLRS will do whole school activities that create unity within TLRS.
Christian teachings are adapted from the Holy Bible and various supplemental materials with Christian principles.
Classroom Observations
We have an open-door policy, so you can visit your child any time during the school day. In order to respect the classroom environment, we ask that you observe the following guidelines for visiting:
Bulletins and Notices
TLRS will maintain a bulletin board in the lobby. Important notices and information will be posted here for parents to view. All special notices will be posted on the front door. Also, a cork board will be on the outside of each classroom for special events and other notices posted for parent information relating to your child's classroom.
What Should My Child Bring Every Day?
Please clearly label your child’s name on all items, including diaper sleeves.
1 or 2 complete, weather appropriate changes of clothes (shirts, pants, socks, underwear); also provide extra pair of shoes during potty training stages.
Jacket with hood, or a hat, mittens in winter.
Nap time security needs – small, soft items that can fit in their bag.
Please DO NOT bring toys from home. Toys from home cause disruptions in class and will be placed back into your child's bag to take back home. TLRS will not be responsible for lost toys brought from home.
Adequate amount of diapers daily, and/or Velcro tabbed pull-ups for potty learning stages.
Enough bottles for the day filled with appropriate amount of milk (up to 12 months old only), label with your child’s first and last name with date.
Baby food, as needed.
What Should My Child Wear to School?
The children are exploring and experimenting with the world around them and using a wide variety of art tools and materials daily. To facilitate spontaneous play indoors and outdoors, children should wear clothing that are washable and replaceable. Please, do not wear clothing or shoes that cannot be stained. TLRS will change children who get wet or excessively dirty, if they have a change of clothes from home.
Children should only wear closed-toed shoes or closed-toed sandals. They are easier to move in, help prevent injury, and are more comfortable for the children when playing in the sand and bark. If your child is wearing “Croc-type” shoes, socks will help keep mulch from bothering their feet
Please bring your child dressed for the day and not in night clothes. The teachers will not have time to dress your child.
We provide breakfast, all drinks and all snacks. You are to send your child a simple sack lunch daily. Guidelines for lunch requirements are posted in each classroom. Children will learn self-help skills, such as:
The food at the center is closely monitored for potential food allergies therefore, any food brought into the school with the intention of sharing with others MUST be store bought, unless approved by the Director.
Occasionally there will be a “cooking” project.
Play Areas
We use our facilities’ play areas, as well as the two acres of land on which it sits. We provide your child with many different opportunities for exploration throughout each day and week. Exploration of the school areas may include the sport’s field area.
A disinfecting solution is used to sanitize between diaper changes. Each room is equipped with a changing station which includes a sink and exhaust fan above the table.
Diapers are checked approximately every one to two hours, (except during rest time) and changed when they are wet or have a bowel movement in the younger classes and every 2-3 hours in the older classes.
Hand Washing
Hand washing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to help stop the spread of germs. The teachers will help children wash their hands prior to eating meals or snacks, after using the restroom or diapering, when coming into the classroom from outdoors, and as needed in addition to these times.
Potty Training
TLRS does not have any restrictions on moving a child into the next aged room that are dependent on toilet use. We respect you and your child and want only the best for them, realizing this is a developmental skill that cannot be determined by age.
Potty Training takes teamwork between the family, child and teachers. Success depends on patience, understanding, and consistent adults, as well as a child who is physically and mentally ready. We will not begin potty training until the entire family and all child care providers are on board. Your child needs to be able to verbalize their need to potty on a consistent basis before training at school can begin.
Parents must be helping with potty learning while at home AND away from home in order for the process to be consistent and successful.
Children need to CONSISTENTLY exhibit all of the following signs of readiness at TLRS before teachers can begin helping with the process. Your child must be able to:
Understand and follow simple directions
Dress and undress themselves
Run and climb easily
Have a dry diaper for at least two hours at a time during the day
Express interest in using the toilet consistently
Verbally expressing their need to use the toilet consistently
State or signal the need to use the potty consistently
We follow a consistent method of dealing with children after a biting incident occurs. By following this or similar practice at home, you will help reinforce the teacher’s ability to handle these situations, and use them as teachable moments. Every time a toddler bites, whether it’s the first or multiple times, our teachers will:
Convey through attitude and actions that biting is not the right thing to do.
Help the child who is bitten, by comforting them and helping them express their feelings about the bite.
Help the child who bit, by:
Responding quickly in first couple of minutes
Stating briefly and clearly what happened, for example; “You bit him with your teeth. He/she doesn’t like it. It’s not OK to bite people.”
Respond with action. Apply an ice pack or wet towel.
Redirect them to another toy, person or area.
Parents will be notified when picking up their child at the end of the day if they have bitten or have been bitten.
Responding to Inappropriate Behaviors
When behavioral issues occur, our goal is to help the children learn values, problem solving skills, and responsibility. We will always use love and encouragement to positively affect a child’s behavior. We strive to minimize inappropriate behavior while creating a positive environment for all of our children through the following techniques, age appropriate:
Classroom management---individual attention and low ratios with much teacher interaction; modeling and reinforcing appropriate behavior; setting reasonable expectations based on developmental levels; providing an interesting, challenging and age appropriate environment.
Overlooking ---some negative behavior is produced by a child to get attention. This kind of behavior can be stopped by not giving the child the desired attention in response to positive or even neutral behaviors or actions. We will utilize this technique only if no safety issues are involved.
Redirection & Distraction---we will offer alternatives to children by engaging them in play with a different toy, suggesting a new activity, facilitating play with another child, or by suggesting independent play.
Verbal Intervention---the teacher explains to the child the inappropriate behavior and shows the appropriate way to handle the situation.
Logical Consequences---the teacher helps the child understand the logical consequences of actions by removing the object, activity, etc. that is causing the problem.
Separation---the child is separated from the group to allow time to relax and calm down as well as to separate from any possible negative influence by peers. A puzzle or book will be given to the child “taking a break.”
Persistent Inappropriate Behavior---If inappropriate behavior continues repeatedly after the guidance steps have been used, or if behavior threatens the health or safety of other children or staff, parents will be asked to participate in an immediate parent-teacher/director conference. The Director will follow up with the child, teacher and family often to keep communication open and direct. Dismissal is sometimes required.
Emergency Procedures
TLRS rigorously follows the best safety practices and has plans in place to maintain order and collaboration in the unlikely event of an emergency, including fire, gas leak, bomb threat, loss of utilities, structural damage, loss of child and injury.
Emergency Plans
Notification - TLRS will attempt to contact all primary contacts by phone and/or email in the event of any emergency or injury.
Severe Weather - We will monitor severe weather using a NOAA weather radio. In case of severe weather not requiring evacuation, we will protect the children by following the guidelines set forth by NOAA for general severe weather safety. In any event of a weather emergency, severe thunderstorm or tornado the following rules should be exercised. The Director will notify each class by coming door to door. Each classroom teacher should gather her/his students together and exit out the closest interior door. Sit the students against the interior wall in the hallway. The teacher should bring hardbound books to accommodate the number of children in her classroom to be placed on the student’s heads. In the event of a tornado, the students must sit with their knees bent, head between their legs, holding the book over their heads.
If the classroom is on the playground, the Director will notify the teachers to come into the building immediately and follow the above procedures.
Building Damage - In case of building problems that do not require evacuation, we will continue to operate as normal while sectioning off any potentially hazardous areas. If any damage affects climate control drastically or causes structural damage to the building, TLRS will follow procedures for notification and evacuation.
Emergency Medical Care - When urgent emergency medical care is needed, we will call 911 for assistance from an ambulance and medical unit. We will leave it at their discretion where to take the child, but Northside-Cherokee Hospital is officially required to provide medical care to our students.
Evacuation - In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation, 911 authorities will be notified, (including but not limited to: severe weather, fire, gas leak, bomb threat and building damage). TLRS and authorities will transport children to the adjacent vacant field until parents can pick-up..
Please do not block the front of the building, unless it is an emergency.
I have read and understood the electronic TLRS Parent Handbook included under “About TLRS.” This includes the following sections:
Information About Us
Registration and Rates
Wellness Policy
A Day at TLRS
Diapering/Potty Training
Inappropriate Behaviors
Emergency Procedures
I agree with the information covered in the sections listed above. I understand that the pricing, policies and procedure may change. The Director will make pricing changes known, at least one month prior to the new pricing schedule. If at any time I have a question, comment or complaint with TLRS, I will address it with the Director. A copy of the Handbook will be available for your review, at any time.
Please remember, not knowing a rule or regulation does not mean that you do not have to abide by the TLRS Handbook. Study your Handbook thoroughly!
Click here to download this form. Please sign, date and turn this form in with your enrollment papers.
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